Monday, March 26, 2007

Replace the USA? By George Handlery - The Brussels Journal

If you are familiar with this website, you know this author deals with the “transatlantic relationship” and the related “defense of advanced civilizations.” It tells a lot about our time’s challenge that these are not the themes for which his diplomas predestine the writer. For the shift in emphasis, there are good reasons. It is the Atlantic alliance and our Judeo-Christian civilization’s PC defying confidence to rise to its own defense that will determine the future.

Several previous articles had Europe’s political collapse as their topic. Naturally, not all of Europe is anti-American, anti-Israel and thereby valiantly committed to surrender to anyone caring to conquer it. Granted, views such as from a letter to the Editor might dominate here: “Israel and America are my axis of evil.” To counter such portrayals of opinion, a piece defying the trend will be presented. Its much-published source is Dr. Anton Czettler, whose only blemish is that he is a senior friend of this writer. His recall, learning and vast experience make him into a walking encyclopedia and a reference for ideas to be tested.

The abbreviated English version of his “The Chosen People of the New Age” is of interest not only because it fails to be fashionably anti-American. The piece deserves attention because it represents a very European view of America and as such, it undertakes to combat distortions that fog the present. Although written in 2003, it represents the current view of the author who consented to this project. The growing alienation of the Atlantic sibling-cultures represents to Dr. Czettler – and to this writer – a mindlessly taken decision whose consequences will extort, especially for Europe, a heavy price. Astonishingly, Europe’s 20th century mistakes are repeated – without assurance that the ultimate outcome will be as undeservedly fortunate as in the past.

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