Thursday, July 12, 2007

Defending Fred Thompson by Doug Hagin

"Anyone who knows me knows I am strongly supporting Fred Thompson for president of the United States. I have laid out my reasons in previous columns. In short, I believe Thompson is a true Conservative, His record shows that, his recent speeches and columns prove it as well. I have nothing but confidence in this man to be not only a great pick for the GOP, but, I also believe he can defeat Hillary next November, and let us be very honest here, Hillary Clinton WILL BE the Democratic nominee. Thompson, is, in my view a man that can both excite the conservative base and reach middle of the road voters as well. That is a recipe for success my friends.

There is little doubt this nation is in desperate need of real conservative leadership, frankly, we all know no Democrat running can provide that leadership. All they seem to have is defeatism, despair, and their same old neo-Marxist ideals that have never worked and can never work. Frankly speaking, a Democrat in the White House would be a disaster for America in every way. We, as Conservatives know this."

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