Monday, July 16, 2007

The Frightening Specter of Intelligent Design By Dennis Campbell

If you were to ask a committed Darwinist why he fears the Intelligent Design movement, he would simply laugh at you and deny that Intelligent Design offers any threat whatsoever.
        "Darwinism is a fact," he would say, "a matter of science and a settled issue."
        There is a highly technical philosophical phrase for this: Whistling past the graveyard.  Just as the superstitious person walking past the graveyard whistles to put on a false front, so the Darwinist bravely shrugs off Intelligent Design as non-threatening and irrelevant.
        What is clear, however, is that Darwinism indeed is threatened as science delves into the complexities of life and matter, which increasingly become unexplainable by natural selection and a self-creating universe.

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