Monday, July 16, 2007

Our Enemy's Work New York Sun Editorial

The surfacing over the weekend of what is purposed to be a videotape of Osama bin Laden, the first in 13 months, will be notable for nothing so much as its timing. It airs the leader of Al Qaeda just as our top analysts at the Pentagon, Central Intelligence Agency, and White House are combing through what they say is the most dire threat reporting since the summer of 2001. Mr. bin Laden's words were broadcast as our legislators in Congress are mulling ways to abandon the fight in Iraq, even as our GIs and Sunni tribes in that country are starting to gain in the war against an outfit that calls itself "Al- Qaeda in the land between two rivers."

For many Democrats and their allies in the press, there really is no such thing as Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Never mind that Al Qaeda's number two man, Ayman al-Zawahiri, only a few months ago claimed credit for the suicide bomb placed inside the Iraqi parliament; never mind that our generals in Iraq say leading Ba'athists have been sent from the theater to training camps in Pakistan; never mind that Abu Ayyub al Masri, who was associated with Al-Zawahiri, publicly pledged allegiance to Mr. bin Laden. The Democrats like to argue that the war in Iraq is a diversion from the war on Al Qaeda.

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