Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Piecemeal Surrender of Sovereignty :: Gates of Vienna

Yesterday, when I was catching up via Fox, the stories I ran into merged in my overworked brain — they all seemed to gather together in a gestalt evoking the disappearance of American sovereignty.
The armies of Aztlan will not fight their way up Constitution Avenue and plant the Mexican flag triumphantly atop Capitol Hill. General Petraeus is not going to meet Osama bin Laden aboard an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf to sign our articles of surrender.
No, we will surrender (and are surrendering) our sovereignty as a nation-state in little bits and pieces. A minor concession to the UN here, a clause buried deep in an appropriations bill there, a few executive orders that neglect to enforce the law or observe the Constitution…
Then one morning you wake up and say, “Hmm. I wonder where our country went?”

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