Friday, July 13, 2007

Recruiting in the West: The Lure of Radical Islamic Terror By Dr. Deborah Schurman-Kauflin

"Many question why individuals located in or raised in the freedoms of the West would ever want to engage in terrorism. What would make someone who had seen all of the good things freedom has to offer, turn against that freedom? When consulting with and training law enforcement I point out that often, members of terror groups are professional and very well educated. Terror organizations purposely encourage recruits to become learned, particularly in hard sciences, so that they can understand Western technology and use it against the enemy. Every facet of the enemy should be contemplated, absorbed, and repackaged for use by the terror group. Thus, it was not surprising that the latest terror plot in Europe involved doctors. Anyone can be recruited into a terror organization as long as the individual has the right mindset. Whether one is African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, professional or blue collar, male or female, young or old, the terror draw is always dependent upon the individual’s personality. "

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