Thursday, November 29, 2007

30 Pieces of Silver? By Brian Cherry

Judas walked with Jesus and betrayed him for a mere 30 pieces of silver. In modern terms his payment for the traitorous act was about $220. Even by biblical standards this was hardly a bargain. Up until this point the King of bone-headed bartering was Esau. This genius traded his inheritance for a bowl of soup. For those who are not up on their biblical history, this would be like Paris Hilton trading her place in Daddy’s will for a can of Chunky Clam Chowder.

Judas walked with God himself, and still found the will to betray him. Even Peter turned his back on Jesus when the chips were down. With that said, I think the lesson from these biblical personalities is that nobody is beyond the act of betraying their religious convictions for short term gains. So, how many pieces of silver have been added to Dr. Dobson’s account?

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