Wednesday, November 21, 2007

American Treasure By Mark Steyn

Speaking as a misfit unassimilated foreigner, I think of Thanksgiving as the most American of holidays. Christmas is celebrated elsewhere, even if there are significant local variations: in continental Europe, naughty children get left rods to be flayed with and lumps of coal; in Britain, Christmas lasts from December 22nd to mid-January and celebrates the ancient cultural traditions of massive alcohol intake and watching the telly till you pass out in a pool of your own vomit. All part of the rich diversity of our world. But Thanksgiving (excepting the premature and somewhat undernourished Canadian version) is unique to America. “What’s it about?” an Irish visitor asked me a couple of years back. “Everyone sits around giving thanks all day? Thanks for what? George bloody Bush?”

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1 comment:

Captain USpace said...

Great article, Mark Steyn makes great points in an often hysterical way. Here he also mentions lots of stuff we should throw in other American's faces when they go around shrieking about how Europe is so much better and more sophisticated and advanced than America is. Thanks for posting this.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't try to better your lives

never move to strange lands
never take a chance to win

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't defend your lives

when natives attack your camp
you will have NO descendants

absurd thought -
God of the Universe said
the world is flat

that just makes so much sense
the Sun and stars look flat too