Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Annapolis: Munich Rising By Jerry Gordon

I listened to an interview with Ambassador John Bolton and Natan Sharansky with Lori Lowenthal Marcus and Steve Feldman on the ZOA Middle East News Hour on WNWR.com. Listen to the interview here.. I came to a basic conclusion. What we have going down on the US Naval Academy grounds in Annapolis, Maryland next week is Munich Rising.

I would say that Dr. Rice follows, what Ambassador Bolton called during the interview, “the General Colin Powell school” of listening to the Arabists at State and the Islamist propagandists here in America and advocating on their collective behalves before the President and the NSC staffs.

But then, the President and Dr. Rice are leading this country astray and into a cataclysmic abyss based on denial and delusion akin to what British PM Neville Chamberlain did in September, 1938 at Munich with Herr Schikelgruber and his Nazi thugs. The Israelis under faltering incompetent PM Olmert are the 21st Century equivalent of hapless Czechs under President Eduard Benes, awaiting the death sentence of their country after the ‘diktat’ of Munich.

Israel, according to Ambassador. Bolton has weak leadership and the Palestinians even weaker ones.

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