Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Buffet's Piece of Mischief by Jay D. Homnick

Thanksgiving began the holiday season, a time when Americans show gratitude for all the unique blessings of our country, including the odd phenomenon of financial savants who in commonsensical matters behave like prize idiots.  From John D. Rockefeller to William Randolph Hearst to Joe Kennedy to Ross Perot to George Soros, this is a tradition of long, if twisted, standing.  The newest entrant to the billionaire boob sweepstakes is Warren Buffett, who came to the Capitol two weeks ago to testify against abolishing the estate tax.  Not only should your life’s fortune be stripped of most accrual past the $2 million mark, but the revenue should then be distributed to the bottom rung of the middle class at a thousand a pop.

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