Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How Huck Can Win By Lee Harris

Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee is a former Baptist minister with a hick name, who has received the enthusiastic endorsement of such luminaries as pro wrestler Ric "Nature Boy" Flair and karate expert turned actor Chuck Norris. Huckabee is opposed to gay marriage and civic unions, accepts the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy, and he thinks that creationism should be taught in the school. For understandable reasons, he is popular among conservative Christians, especially in the South. Newt Gingrich has called Huckabee "the most interesting dark horse" in the current race for the Presidency, and recent polls have shown that he may well have a good chance of beating out Mitt Romney in both Iowa and New Hampshire, despite the fact that Romney has vastly outspent Huckabee. If Huckabee can pull off an upset in these two states, he will be a figure to be taken seriously. The question is, Is this bad news or good news?

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