Thursday, November 29, 2007

The "Good" Immigrant—Myth vs. Reality By Brenda Walker

Among the more annoying ploys of the open borders crowd is the idea that we need endless immigrants because we wouldn't want to miss getting someone really valuable.

Einstein is the perpetual example—what if restrictionists had kept him out? They never seem to mention Al Capone. (Former New York mayor Ed Koch pulled this trick when reviewing Peter Brimelow’s Alien Nation.)

As if the brilliance of the 20th century's greatest physicist were a reason to import millions of illiterate peasants: the argument makes no sense.

Still, with multiculturalism, the quantity is often more important than the quality. So we get a continuous barrage.

One regular salvo from the opposing shore is the "Immigrants of the Week" column which appears in the email newsletter, targeted at immigration lawyers and other enemies of American sovereignty—what we call the “Treason Lobby.”

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