Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's Munich in America By David Horowitz

An American Secretary of State should be in Baghdad brokering a reconciliation between Iraqi factions and locking down a victory for which nearly 4,000 Americans gave their lives. Iraq is the central front in the holy war against the West being waged by al-Qaeda and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and an American defeat in Iraq would lead to an escalation of that war to proportions that would make the current conflict in Iraq seem tame by comparison.

Instead, Condoleeza Rice has been shuttling between capitals in the Middle East in an attempt to feed a piece of Jewish meat to the jackals in the West Bank in the hopes that bribery and concessions will turn them into doves and they will agree to live side by side with a non-Islamic state -- a state run by pigs and monkeys, whom their prophet has cursed.

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