Thursday, November 29, 2007

Jerusalem: Arab Denial of Jewish Ties :: CAMERA

One of the main obstacles in previous peace-making efforts has been the issue of dividing Jerusalem and control over the Temple Mount. In the aftermath of Annapolis, any negotiations on the issue are likely to encounter familiar pitfalls—most importantly, Muslim refusal to acknowledge Judaism's historical and religious ties to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.

Both Israel and the Palestinians lay claim to Jerusalem and its holy sites. Israel maintains security and legal control over the Temple Mount while the Muslim Waqf has religious, economic, administrative, and some security control there. Past negotiations have faltered on Palestinian denial of  any Jewish religious or historical connection and rights to the Temple Mount.  During the July 2000 negotiations at Camp David, Yasir Arafat refused to acknowledge Jewish ties to the Temple Mount, claiming the Jewish Temple never existed there. When talks resumed in Taba later that year, the Israelis agreed to full Palestinian sovereignty on the Temple Mount, but requested Palestinians acknowledge the sacredness of the Temple Mount to Judaism. They refused.  According to then-foreign minister Shlomo Ben-Ami:

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