Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kathleen Willey: Hillary behind 'terror' campaign By Art Moore

In her newly released book, Kathleen Willey asserts Hillary Clinton was behind a campaign of intimidation and harassment against her that fit a pattern employed against numerous other women whose claims of sexual impropriety or assault by her husband, Bill Clinton, threatened the couple's political fortunes.

Willey writes that along with the former president, "Hillary also betrayed me – and all of the women her husband abused – when she brought her power to bear on her husband's prey."

"Target: Caught in the Crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton," published by WND Books, an imprint of World Ahead Publishing, reminds readers how the Democratic presidential front-runner, despite her husband's 20 years of countless extra-marital relationships, famously came to his defense shortly after the Monica Lewinsky affair broke in 1998. Asked about the accusations, the then-first lady said, "Certainly, I believe they're false. Absolutely."

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