Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Michael Savage: The Battle Between Taquiya and Talk Radio by Selwyn Duke

You will have to forgive me, but I have a difficult time taking the war against Moslem extremists seriously. No, I haven't become the latest in a line of anti-American quislings who say the war is "all about oil" or that Islamism is not a threat. It's just that I have trouble mustering enthusiasm for overseas ventures when we allow the enemy's fifth column to operate virtually unopposed on our shores.

I'm talking about the odious Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a group that could be the legal arm of al-Qaeda. Although CAIR's machinations usually go unmentioned by the mainstream media, for quite some time now it has been training its sights on anyone who would tackle the Islamic threat with manly strength. It has carried out campaigns against National Review magazine, radio personality Paul Harvey, the producers of the television program 24, and many others who dare say the sultan has no clothes. And now it is targeting award-winning radio talk show host Michael Savage.

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