Monday, November 26, 2007

The Second Amendment Wedge by Jed Babbin

Hillary calls them, “kitchen table issues,” the political questions Americans take seriously enough to talk about them privately, in their homes, among family and friends. Whether she likes it or not, one of those issues is gun control.  Last week the Supreme Court decided to take on the biggest gun control case in almost seventy years:  District of Columbia v. Heller.  The Heller case is an appeal by the DC government from the US Circuit Court’s decision holding unconstitutional D.C.’s ban on privately-owned handguns and severe limits on other weapons. 

The Heller appeal will be argued next spring and unless something very odd happens, it will be decided before the election. This is very bad news for the Democrats who -- like Hillary -- don’t believe that the Second Amendment preserves for private citizens the right to keep and bear arms. 

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