Monday, November 26, 2007

Texas tough on the IRS By Chuck Norris

Most have probably seen by now one of the top watched YouTube commercials with GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and me. It was fun to film.

In between our tongue-n-cheek entertainment, however, is a very serious message: Mike is robust and resilient enough even to stand up for our Second Amendment rights to bear arms, close the borders to illegals, and put the IRS out of business. Now that's Texas tough!

With his strength and success it isn't a surprise to me that the Washington Post reported last week that Mike has "surged past three of his better-known presidential rivals and is now challenging former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney for the lead in the Iowa Republican caucuses." Even the Rasmussen Reports charted a new national poll with Huckabee tied for second place with Romney and Thompson.

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