Friday, December 14, 2007

The Nazis or US? by David Lagesse

The Nazis preformed euthanasia on the infirm, the insane, and other “defectives”. This killing was preformed on their OWN people as well as the peoples of the countries they had over-run. Their murderous ‘Final Solution’ also took the lives of 7 million people they considered as “Less than Human”.

They were fighting a war; it was partially a financial decision to exterminate the crippled and retarded and all the rest that they considered as: “useless eaters”.

But we, on the other hand will do all that is in our power to try to “educate” even the most severely retarded, the worst of which are, and will always be, no more aware of them selves than vegetables. We also do all that we can for those people who are severely physically handicapped. We will continue with these heroic efforts even when there is absolutely no hope of progress. It is a heavy financial burden to the taxpayers that is spent on the education, health care and feeding of these most unfortunate people.

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