Friday, February 15, 2008

The Romney endorsement by Lawrence Auster

If Mitt Romney had held onto his delegates until the convention, there was, in combination with Huckabee's continuing campaign, a slight chance of stopping the nomination of McCain. Any means of doing so should have been pursued. So I am disappointed that Romney endorsed McCain today and asked his delegates to support him. As a result, we now face the certain nomination of a 71 year old mediocrity in obvious poor health, whose strongest beliefs are for open borders, for keeping our troops in Iraq for a hundred years, and for sticking it to conservatives every chance he can get. The Republican party has committed hara-kiri, while the Democratic party seems to be moving toward the selection of a nonwhite leftist messiah who will "unify" us (i.e., unify us around leftism) and take care of all our needs.

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