Thursday, February 14, 2008

Socialized Repression Manifesting a Seventh Century Mindset By Peter W. Wright

My good friend Jeff Bayard came to town last week to attend the America's Truth/Basics Project Symposium Exposing the Threat of Islamic Terrorism with me. After an illuminating and exhausting day of learning, we saw someone engaged in a heated discussion with Robert Spencer, one of the presenters. Later, my friend Jeff sent me the URL(1) of a blog entry by this argumentative attendee. One of the neat things about my friend Jeff Bayard is he's always uncovering interesting things. In this case, he dug up a post from our fellow attendee describing us all as "future converts" to Islam. Jeff and I have a problem with this, as you'll see.

First, let's recap the symposium. Roger Hedgecock kicked the meeting off and proceeded to broadcast his national radio show from a room in the rear of the hall. Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy, nuclear physicist, described standard Islamic conquests of countries through destruction and the role of mosques in the proselytization of terror against unbelievers. Dr.. Muthuswamy also asserted that Islam is not a religion but is a political movement of conquest with the trappings of a religion.

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