Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Feminists Love Abortion-on-Demand, Hate Sarah Palin By Joan Swirsky

Why are the retro-feminists in the leftwing media, the National Organization of Women, and the abortion lobby, among other hysterics, militating so violently against Sarah Palin? It’s because they value abortion-on-demand over every other subject on earth.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swirsky and her ilk would have no viable argument against abortion rights if someone would be brave enough to state the real reason women support abortion and put that reason out into the mainstream media.

The reason is equality.

Its not about when life begins. Its not about "personhood". Its not about the right to choose. Its not about control over one's body. Its not about privacy.

It IS about equality. Equality to men. Men are the benchmark and we want to be equal in all spheres. We want to be equally sexual and sexually free and therefore equally without the burden of pregnancy and childbirth as men.

Because it is about reproductive equality to men, economic equality to men, social equality to men, and sexual equality to men. Access to safe, convenient, ubiquitous, and fully funded abortion services assure and preserve our equality.

So, Swirsky, what do have to say now?