Sunday, October 26, 2008

Is America really going to do this? By Melanie Phillips

The impact of the financial crisis on the American presidential election has somewhat obscured the most important reason why the prospect of an Obama presidency is giving so many people nightmares. This is the fear that, if he wins, US defences will be emasculated at a time of unprecedented international peril and the enemies of America and the free world will seize their opportunity to destroy the west.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You, and people who think like you, have had your way for eight years. The Republicans kicked butt, even though it was the wrong butt. They let the real danger get away. In the war that counts, the one in Afganistan, the U.S. is losing, big time. Your party took a very minor figure in the Middle East and tried to turn him into the biggest threat since Hitler. Saddam Hussein was a gnat, an annoyance, a nut with delusions of grandeur--much like your current president and the man you will probably vote for on 11/4. He was not the greatest enemy of the early 21st century. Your president let the real enemy get away and has let him live for 7 years.