Friday, August 29, 2008

Teach Your Children to Defend Themselves! J. D. Longstreet

We have raised a couple of generations of what could arguably be referred to as "pansies" here in America.

For the first 12 or 13 years of my life I grew up in a "Mill Village" on what was known in my neck of the woods as a "Mill Hill". There were street toughs all over the place there. Street gangs, too. I got kicked around a bit and I learned to fight, even when the odds were overwhelming and I had no chance of winning. Like the time a street gang of seven older kids decided they were going to beat the tar out of me. I told them there were not enough of them. I have always been terrible at math! Turns out there were more than enough of them to do the job. When the dust settled, and the gang had left, to seek other prey, I was unable to even stand and had to crawl away. But... I learned. I learned how to street fight. But mostly, I learned you are never as open to danger as you are when you flee. Always face your enemy.

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