Monday, September 1, 2008

'Fox and Friends Program Denigrates Governor Sarah Palin?' By Sher Zieve

Former Fox & Friends logo from Monday, 2007 - 2008

Did anyone else watch FNC’s Fox and Friends Saturday? Did you hear what I heard? Was I temporarily in some alternate universe? Were any of you as shocked as I was over Alyson Camarata’s almost non-stop belittling of Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK)? Ms. Camarata droned on and on asking questions about Palin’s experience and over and over again mocked her by saying ‘she used to hunt before she went to school’ and ’she used to hunt moose and caribou before she went to school’. At Saturday’s program end, two pretty obviously leftist blogger guests were interviewed (one of whom said her mother had “dated Joe Biden”) when one of the bloggers said that Palin now had the “sympathy vote” because she was raising a Down’s syndrome child. The bloggers, Camarata and her co-host then proceeded to laugh at this comment! In my opinion this was pretty ugly and went way beyond the pale of television commentary. Note: The laughter very plainly and succinctly indicated agreement with the Down’s syndrome comment. This was an unconscionable performance.

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1 comment:

Maggie Thornton said...

Yes, I heard this too. I don't know what is going with her. It went beyond being fair and balanced - which, of course, is okay because she's not an anchor. I thought it odd on that program - and unfair.

Maggie Thornton
Maggie's Notebook