Monday, March 26, 2007

Is Islam compatible with a republic? By Ellis Washington - WorldNetDaily

"Since 9-11, the societal and cultural battle lines for the soul of civilization have become ever more defined and at the same time, increasingly opaque – between America's Judeo-Christian traditions and Islam, between a representative republic (not democracy, which is mob rule) and totalitarianism, between freedom lovers and religious tyranny, between Justices Thomas and Scalia and the ACLU, between Reagan and craven politicians that will say and do anything to get elected.
How can men of goodwill reconcile two worldviews so diametrically opposed to one another, yet which are so interconnected? America and Israel have not only welcomed Arabs and Muslims from every country on earth, but allowed them to build mosques and to worship their god according to the dictates of their own conscience, yet our magnanimity is not reciprocated by Muslims. "

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