Monday, March 26, 2007

Prepare for Biblical Floods and Droughts By Mark Tooley

"Earlier this month, a prominent group of conservative religious leaders, lead by Focus on the Family's James Dobson, unsuccessfully urged the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) to rein in its Washington, D.C. spokesman, who's become a Global Warming true believer.

NAE has no formal position on climate change and its causes. But Richard Cizik of NAE's Washington office has made Global Warming a personal crusade. Media attention went to the Dobson critique. But several NAE board members organized their own letter to their colleagues, pointing out that Cizik is making Global Warming the preeminent issue for NAE, in terms of popular perceptions. These board members cited a survey of media mentions, showing that by far, Cizik is quoted on climate issues more than any other, including the family and sanctity of life issues for which NAE does have official positions.

The NAE board reaffirmed its confidence in Cizik while, once again, not taking any specific position on Global Warming. So Cizik will pursue his own agenda, but in the name of the NAE. Meanwhile, the NAE, still reeling from the sexual scandals of its last president, deposed Colorado mega-church pastor Ted Haggard, will continue to drift. Once a robust forum for America's evangelicals -- Ronald Reagan gave his 'Evil Empire' speech before the NAE -- the association has lacked strong leadership for over a decade. "

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