Monday, November 26, 2007

Fox News Owner Backs Australian Leftist By Cliff Kincaid

Rupert Murdoch, the so-called "conservative" owner of the Fox News Channel, made a dramatic turn to the Left when one of his major Australian newspapers endorsed the liberal pro-United Nations candidate, Kevin Rudd, in the Australian presidential contest.

Rudd is a former diplomat who served in China and speaks Chinese. He pledged to pull Australian combat troops out of Iraq, increase the power of the United Nations in global affairs, and boost relations with Communist China. He was backed by radical labor union activists who have called for anti-American Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez to visit Australia in 2008.

Rudd’s Labor Party won the election on Saturday over the Liberal Party (the equivalent of U.S. conservatives) with about 53 percent of the vote. He defeated conservative John Howard, Australia’s long-serving Prime Minister, friend of President Bush and the United States, and opponent of the global Islamic terrorist movement.

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1 comment:

Incognito said...

Shame on him!! Howard is a major loss for the world.