Monday, November 26, 2007

Global Warming is Real And It’s Happening on Mars! By John D. Turner

NASA scientists are reporting that the climate on Mars appears to presently be warmer than it has been for at least several decades, possibly even centuries. This is based on pictures of Mars dating back to 1999. These images document substantial changes in the polar ice caps that Michael Malin, the principal investigator for the Mars Orbiter Camera describes as shrinking at “a prodigious rate”.

This is not new news. Back in 2003, scientists were theorizing that Mars was in the process of emerging from an ice age, based on studies of its surface from data collected by the Mars Odyssey orbiter. According to William Feldman, a scientist at the Los Alamos National Lab, there is too much frozen water present at the lower latitudes, away from the poles, given Mars current climate.

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