Monday, November 26, 2007

Islamic Voodoos: Black Magic, Part A by Abul Kasem

Islamist apologists often extol the scientific nature of Islam, that Islam has no room for spirituous mumbo—jumbo. This blatant distortion of the truth about Islam might work well for those who have no or very little idea about the proliferation of many superstitious Islamic rites routinely performed for the alleviation of many afflictions. If you ever chanced to observe any such superstitious rites, you will be amazed at the similarities between Islamic procedures and the Black Magic performed by many voodoo cults in Africa and South America.

First, let us examine the Qur'an and its use to perform Islamic Black Magic. Many Mullahs routinely perform such rituals as professional Islamic black magicians. Please note that both Shias and Sunnis practice Islamic Black Magic, although the Shias are more prone to resort to such rituals.

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