Monday, December 10, 2007

How Green Was My Bali By Marc Sheppard

Planet saving green superheroes flew off to the climate carnival in Bali Monday last week boldly sensing a new sweltering wind at their backs. And, while recent events certainly served to bolster their optimism, the folly of both their cause and -- were they actually necessary -- proposed solutions, would ultimately dash their dreams of a global UN based Kingdom more red than green.

True, incoming Aussie Prime Minister Kevin Rudd had promised to ratify the Kyoto Protocol before his arrival at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). His predecessor, John Howard, declined to sign on to the international cap-and-trade scheme, joining the U.S as the only 2 developed nations not to do so. Rudd's capitulation was surely expected to put further pressure on the sole remaining holdout to do the same, or at least participate in the summit's objective of laying the groundwork for Kyoto's successor.

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